Kōrero Tuku Iho
Whakapapa and History
Find out more about Ngāti Awa Social and Health Services. Learn more about our organisation’s history.
Ko Pūtauaki te maunga
Ko Orini te awa
Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Te Pahitaua o Irapekete papawhenua
Te pepeha o Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa
A pepeha describes the pepe and the breath of life that gives it its sustenance. For Te Tohu o te Ora o Ngāti Awa our pepeha reflects our place of origin our ties and spiritual connection to the natural and spiritual environment that we now occupy. Originating from Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa our pepeha reflects that connection to Ngāti Awa through maunga Pūtauaki and the waka Mataatua and its captain Toroa.
Our geographical presence is alongside Te Orini within the heart of Te Paroa under the umbrella of ngā tīpuna Taiwhakaea II, Te Rangihouhiri II and Hikakino I. The organisation is on the wāhi tapu site Te Pahitaua the gathering place of tribes during matters of importance such as war, brought together by the puhoro o Irapeke.
Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa Whakapapa
- Te Rūnanga O Ngāti Awa establish under Matua Whāngai a Care & Protection home for Ngāti Awa tamariki. Te Tawhara was the first employee.
- Core Service: Care & Protection Family Home
- FTE Staff 1
- Located at Quay St, The Strand, Whakatane
- Ngāti Awa Social Services Trust is duly incorporated by Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa
- Main function Iwi Social Service development under the Child Youth & Young Persons Act
- Emma Ranapia, Pairama Ranapia, John Bluett, Paul Brown, Sharon Heta, and Aporina Jobe were the original trustees
- Core Services: Care & Protection Family Home, Social Service Iwi Programmes, and Emergency Housing
- FTE Staff 2.5
- Ngāti Awa Social Services Trust was merged with He Tohunga Ora O Ngāti Awa the health policy arm/committee of Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa
- Due to the merger Trustees were reviewed and the following trustees appointed: Layne Harvey, Joseph Pryor, Pairama Ranapia, Rangireremoana Wetini, Paul Brown, Hemana Eruera, Ramai Haua, George Ngatai, and Enid Leighton.
- Ngāti Awa Social Service Trust was formally re-named Ngāti Awa Social and Health Services.
- The name Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa was given to the organisation by
Te Wharekaihua Coates and Rangireremoana Wetini but not used at that time. - Core Services: Care & Protection Family Home, Social Service Iwi programmes, Emergency Housing, Iwi Social Services, Counselling, Residential Youth Programmes with Moerangi Treks.
- FTE Staff 4.5
- Organisation re-located to Waterfall Lodge at Wairere Falls
- 5 Year Growth Strategy agreed by Board
- Partnership with Te Whakatōhea and Te Kaokao o Takapau
- New Health services implemented including: Tamariki Ora, Kaumatua Programmes, Mahi Kai, Health Promotion, and Alcohol and Drug Services
- The organisation relocates to larger premises at Louvain House, Louvain Street, Whakatane.
- The organisation purchases 11 acres of whenua at Te Pahitaua o Irapeke.
- NASH Housing Team implemented: relocation of houses from Waiouru.
- Family Start contract commenced with a caseload of 105 projected to 143.
- NASH Housing EBOP Housing Repair
- Social Workers in Schools contract commenced
- Ngāti Awa 2010 Youth Strategy Implemented
- Ngāti Awa Service Academy opens
- Alcohol and Drug Services implemented
- Cyber Café and Youth radio 98.4FM opened
- Te Pahitaua Adventure Solutionz established
- Stronger Community Action Projects initiated
- Te Teko Whānau Centre opened
- Home immunisation service started
- Edgecumbe School buildings re-sited at Te Pahitaua o Irapeke
- 17 James Street established as a Teen Parent Unit and ECC for their tamariki
- Community Action on Youth & Drugs (CAYAD) contract implemented
- MOE approve a licence for 20 ECE spaces at Te Ara Ki Tua
- Home Based immunisation Services closes
- Ngāti Awa Hākinakina – Hapū challenge commences
- Teen Parents re-allocated to other learning institutions due to no govt funding
- Stronger Community Action Projects finishes
- Ngāti Awa Service Academy closes
- The organisation consolidates its position
- April offices are relocated from Louvain House to Te Pahitaua o Irapeke
- Pouroto Ngaropo joins the organisation and Te Pou Mataaho introduced into organisation
- Wānanga Tuatahi Puawairua Marae – September 2007
- Start the journey from Te Korenga
- Whakarongo, whakarongo, whakarongo
- Caring for whānau by demonstrating empathy and understanding
- Matangireia building work commences
- 17 James Street, Whakatane sold
- Wharaurangi closed down
- SWAP Service established
- Implement Site Name Changes
- May 2010 move from being compliance driven to kaupapa driven
- Matangireia opened October 2011
- Te Waipuna Ariki o Matangireia opened
- Assessment and Service Coordination Team established
- Strong emphasis placed upon data collection and centralised entry and co-ordination of services
- Erection of the pou Irapeke
- Erection of carvings for Matangireia
- New Service: Incredible Years Positive Parenting Programme (IYP)
- Opening of Teen Parent Unit Building – Tuwarea
- Ngā Kakano o Rangiātea commences 2016
- Adventure Solutionz Outdoor business and conferencing closed
- New Service: Kaupapa Maori Antenatal and Parenting