COVID-19 Pandemic 2020
Together we can slow the spread
Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa in partnership with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa implemented the “Ngāti Awa Awhi” COVID-19 response strategy.
The distribution of kai and essential packages has been completed. If you are over 65 or have a health condition that makes you vulnerable to COVID-19 (e.g. asthma or a respiratory condition), or have suffered hardship as a result of COVID-19, you are still able to register for support. Please use the “Register with Us” button at the top of the page, or ring 07 306 0096.
“He Waka Eke Noa.
Ngāti Awa te toki tangatanga
i te ra ngohengohe i te wai”
We are all in this together.
Ngāti Awa the adze who’s bindings
will not be loosened by the sun and rain.
Prime Minister’s Announcement
COVID-19 is serious for Aotearoa. It has the potential to have a serious impact on whānau, hapū, Iwi and the wider community.
The Government’s announcement that Aotearoa is moving to COVID-19 Alert Level 4, has impacted on Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa. We continue to support you, your whānau and those who fall into the most vulnerable groups i.e. our kaumatua and those with other existing health conditions e.g. asthma and respiratory conditions, heart conditions, diabetes. However, the Prime Minister’s restrictions are our best chance to slow the virus in New Zealand and to save lives. We support the government’s response and urge everyone to follow closely the recommendations.
Alert Level 3
What does this mean?
Restrict for the next 48 Hours before moving into Level 4
Risk Assessment
Community transmission occurring OR
Multiple cluster breakouts
Measures applied both nationally and locally
- Travel in areas limited
- Educational facilities closed down
- Mass gatherings cancelled
- Public venues closed
- Alternative ways of working required
- Non- essential businesses closed
- Non face to face primary care consultations
- Non acute elective services and procedures cancelled in hospitals and health care staff reprioritised
Alert Level 4
What does this mean?
Eliminate as New Zealander escalates its response to stop the virus in its tracks
Risk Assessment
Sustained and intensive transmission
Widespread outbreak
Measures applied both nationally and locally
- People instructed to stay home
- Educational facilities closed
- Businesses closed except for essential services (e.g. supermarkets, pharmacies, clinics) lifeline utilities
- Rationing of supplies and requisitioning of facilities
- Travel severely limited
- Major reprioritisation of healthcare services
Covid-19 Response Team established
A COVID-19 response team has been established and will oversee the implementation of the Iwi pandemic response plan. Our focus will be to ensure the safety and wellbeing o ngā uri o ngā hapū o Ngāti Awa. Critical services will be maintained, and the COVID-19 Ngāti Awa Response Strategy will be implemented.
- We are not closed with the exception of the Early Childhood Centre. We are still here for you by phone 07 306 0096.
- We are operating a triage service for emergency situations.
- All services will operate as normal, with face to face home visits being replaced by phone calls, and the use of online technology.
- Existing clients can keep in contact with their kaiawhina, nurses and programme coordinators by ringing or texting the usual cell phone numbers for support.
- Critical Services such as Care & Protection, Emergency Housing, Family Harm Support are still operating under the usual referral protocols.
- “Ngāti Awa Awhi” was provided directly to Ngāti Awa kaum1atua over 65 years. If you require further support, please contact 07 306 0096.
- Kaumātua registered with Omataroa No. 2 Trust, Kiwinui Forest Trust, Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa Kaumātua Programme, Ngāti Awa Kahui Kaumātua were contacted regarding the “Ngāti Awa Awhi” and support that was provided.
Enid Ratahi Pryor, QSO
Chief Executive
Te Tohu Ora o Ngāti Awa
response to date
Key local measures and activities are underway as we move from Alert level 3 to Alert Level 4
This includes working closely with Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa.
Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa will continue to support you and your whānau. We do however need to change the way we do things for a while in an attempt to keep you, your whānau, hapū, Iwi, the wider community and kaimahi safe.
Te Tohu Ora o Ngāti Awa
response to date
- Child Protection Service
- Emergency Housing
- Family Harm Support
- COVID-19 Ngāti Awa Community Response
Ngāti Awa Awhi –
Support for whānau
- Distributing Ngāti Awa Awhi-Care packages to 65+ kaumātua
- Providing emergency supplies
- Maintaining regular contact and support
- Providing regular information updates
Early Child Care Centre Closed
Te Waipuna Ariki o Matangireia is closed from 4.00pm Tuesday 24 March 2020. While we are closed for the next 4 weeks, when we reopen will be guided by the Ministry of Education.
Kaumātua Programme
Our Kaumātua Programme ceased operating on Tuesday 17 March 2020 as a result of the kaumātua being one of the most vulnerable groups susceptible to COVID-19 transmission. This is the first time in 24 years that the programme has ceased to operate. As soon as it is safe for kaumātua to come back into a group environment we will look to reopen the programme.
Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa Services
Unfortunately, our Kaimahi will be unable to visit you in your home due to the Level 4 Alert and lockdown. However, our Kaimahi will remain in direct contact with you through phone and social media.
Key Messages
- Stay at home and keep safe.
- Wash your hands for 20 seconds.
- If you have a cough, sore throat and fever, please call HEALTHLINE on 0800 358 5453.
- Remember the 2-metre rule when at the supermarket, petrol station, or picking up medication. We know this can at times be difficult, however it is important to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
- Please remember do not panic buy. Supermarkets, pharmacies, and service stations are still open. There is enough kai, medication and petrol for everyone if we continue to buy things as we normally do.
- If you require any information or need to know anything, please contact us at 07 306 0096. You can also call the free government Helpline on 0800 779 997 (8am–1am, 7 days a week).
Useful Links
The following links are useful places to get more information
- UNITE against COVID-19 - Ministry of Health - Ministry of Social Development - Te Rōpū Whakakaupapa Urutā (National Māori Pandemic Group)
- Work and Income NZ - Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Awa - Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa Facebook Page - BOP DHB Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) Page - Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 (Te Reo Māori)