The Eastern Bay Iwi Provider Alliance is comprised of Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora, Te Tohu o te Ora o Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe Hauora and Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea. Working together to collaboratively offer services throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

Te Wā o Te Ao Hurihuri

Time for Change


The Eastern Bay of Plenty Iwi Provider Alliance and Oranga Tamariki are embarking upon a journey to create significant change and transformation to improve the lives and outcomes of tamariki, whānau, hapū and Iwi.

The partnership between the Eastern Bay of Plenty Iwi Provider Alliance and Oranga Tamariki will be sealed within Te Pūtōrino ā Raukatuari and reflects the need for transformation.  Te Pūtōrino ā Raukatuari symbolises and reinforces the voices of ngā tīpuna signalling transformation, beauty and hope for the future.

On 17 September 2020, Te Pūtōrino ā Raukatuari will be signed between the Iwi Provider Alliance and Oranga Tamariki confirming their joint and strong commitment to transforming outcomes for tamariki, rangatahi, and whānau in the geographic region of the Iwi Provider Alliance.

Our Alliance Services

How did the Alliance come about?

Historically, Iwi Providers generally operated in silos and competed for contracts. The Eastern Bay Iwi Provider Alliance was established in 2017, has evolved over time and trust has grown. Accordingly, the Alliance recognises greater strategic opportunities exist to work collaboratively with whānau and other government agencies to more effectively address both opportunities and challenges across the Eastern Bay.

What did we do to make it work?

We recognised each others strengths. Historically we have competed for services and tenders.  As a collective we now collaborate and leverage each others strengths.  We recognised we can deliver well beyond the capacity that we use to as individual providers.  Also, by focusing first and foremost on whānau we were able to come together collectively because of this kaupapa.

Chris Majoribanks, CEO Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau, Enid Ratahi-Pryor, CEO Te Tohu o te Ora o Ngāti Awa, Louisa Erickson, Operational Manager Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea, Pania Hetet, CEO Tūhoe Hauora, Ian Linton, Health & Social Manager Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea

Eastern Bay Iwi Provider Alliance

Introduction Video

Benefits for providers

  • Taking an Eastern Bay wide focus
  • Agreeing to pathways of access for programmes and services across districts and Iwi boundaries.
  • Supports a seamless process for whānau at completion of the assessment.
  • Uniqueness of Iwi representation in the Provider Alliance and established Iwi mandate.
  • Representation as Tangata Whenua and understanding of the foundation of whakapapa and whanaungatanga.
  • Established credibility in working with whānau.
  • The provision of multiple services to many whānau across the Eastern Bay,
  • Knowledge of our rohe and long-established relationships at hapū and Iwi level.
  • Each member brings a Kaupapa Māori framework, underpinned by kaupapa Māori models of practice, delivered via deep knowledge of cultural practice.
  • Recognised/proven experience including innovation and expertise in achieving outcomes with whānau and a willingness to share innovations and learnings across the Alliance
  • Extensive long -term relationships with Government Ministries, NGOs and service providers across our communities

Benefits for whanau

  • Build and strengthen the level of resilience within our whānau.
  • Build the level of trust and confidence of whānau to engage.
  • Improve the accessibility including range and level of services to our whānau.
  • Provide seamless access to services and reduce complexity.
  • Build a culture of collaboration not competition.
  • Proactively engage in an open and transparent process with whānau to assist in the co-design of future services for whānau.

“Ki te kotahi te kākaho ka whati, ki te kāpuia e kore e whati.”

“Alone we can be broken, standing together we are invincible.”

Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora
Te Tohu o te Ora o Ngāti Awa
Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea
Tūhoe Hauora

Our Alliance Members

Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa
15 Golf Links Road, Whakatāne 3120

07 306 0096

Tūhoe Hauora
44-46 Tuhoe Street, Taneatua 3123

07 312 9874

Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea
29a King Street, Opotiki

07 315 6042

Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora
28-30 Islington Street, Kawerau

07 323 8025

Tā mātou ratonga

Our Whānau Centred Services
Te Apaaparau o Rehua Ariki


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Te Apaaparau o Uepoto


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Te Waipuna Ariki o Matangireia


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Eastern Bay Iwi Provider Alliance


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