Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa

Ngāti Awa Social & Health Services Trust (NASH) is one of the largest integrated Māori providers in the Eastern Bay of Plenty offering a range of services including Education, Health and Social Services.

Te Wā o Te Ao Hurihuri

Time for Change

The Eastern Bay of Plenty Iwi Provider Alliance (compromising Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa, Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau Hauora, Te Pou Oranga o Whakatōhea and Tūhoe Hauora) and Oranga Tamariki embarked upon a journey to create significant change and transformation to improve the lives and outcomes of tamariki, whānau, hapū and Iwi.

The partnership between the Eastern Bay of Plenty Iwi Provider Alliance and Oranga Tamariki was sealed within Te Pūtōrino ā Raukatuari and reflects the need for transformation.  Te Pūtōrino ā Raukatuari symbolises and reinforces the voices of ngā tīpuna signalling transformation, beauty and hope for the future.

On 17 September 2020, Te Pūtōrino ā Raukatuari was signed between the Iwi Provider Alliance and Oranga Tamariki confirming their joint and strong commitment to transforming outcomes for tamariki, rangatahi, and whānau in the geographic region of the Iwi Provider Alliance.

“Hoki whakamuri, kia anga whakamua.”

“In order to look forward, we look back to the past”.


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Ko Pūtauaki te maunga

Ko Orini te awa

Ko Ngāti Awa te iwi

Ko Mataatua te waka

Ko Te Pahitaua o Irapeke te papawhenua

Tā mātou ratonga

Our Whānau Centred Services
Te Korowai a Rehua Ariki


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Te Apaaparau o Uepoto


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Te Waipuna Ariki o Matangireia


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Eastern Bay Iwi Provider Alliance


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Eastern Bay Iwi Provider Alliance

Alliance Members

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