Aotearoa Children’s Commissioner, Judge Francis Eivers (Ngaati Maniapoto) visited Ngāti Awa & Health Services last month.
The hui was a return home for the Children’s Commissioner after being brought up in Te Teko on a dairy farm and attending Edgecumbe College.
The Commissioner met with our CEO Enid Ratahi-Pryor and other kaimahi to discuss the care and protection of our mokopuna. NASH kaimahi presented the issues we face in our iwi and highlighted the importance of a holistic Kaupapa Māori approach when engaging with our mokopuna. Furthermore, to this, the need for that approach to be led by Māori as by Māori, for Māori solutions create the best outcomes for our uri.
The hui was productive and provided the Children’s Commissioner with new insights and innovative ideas to assist her in advocating for change to the care and protection of our mokopuna. NASH are committed to the Hauora of all Ngāti Awa mokopuna and look forward to continuing to work with Judge Eivers in her role as Aotearoa Children’s Commissioner to help create positive sustainable change.