Alcohol & Drug Service
Kaupapa Māori
Clinical Community Support Service
This service centres on supporting you and your whānau to reduce alcohol and drug misuse and abuse.
About this Service
This service works with individuals and/or whānau using a kaupapa Māori approach that aims to reduce alcohol and drug related to individuals and/or their whānau. It promotes healthy lifestyle and healthy choices for individuals and their whānau. Education is provided to support individuals and/or their whānau achieve optimum wellness.
The service is available to anyone who identifies they need support to reduce alcohol and drug related misuse. The service will also work with whānau to support them to better understand what their whānau member is going through, the impact this may have on them, ways to cope and where to seek help.
Service Features
- Available to individuals and/or their whānau
- Community based counselling service
- Based on Māori beliefs, values and practice
- Helps individuals and/or whānau to link with whānau, hapū and Iwi
- Is holistic ensuring all issues affecting one’s wellbeing are addressed
- Recognises culture and health are linked
- Refers to other services, agencies and organisations when additional support is required
Whakapā mai
Contact Us
If you would like information about this service, please reach out to our friendly team via the contact page.