Nutrition & Physical Activity
Optimum health and wellbeing is the vision for our Nutrition and Physical Activity Service. Delivery centres on whānau, hapū, Iwi and the wider community making positive changes that lead to healthier lifestyles.
About this Service
Physical Activity & Nutrition service aims to improve the health and wellbeing of Māori, and to reduce the burden of disease through regular physical activity and nutrition. Activities provided through this service focus on improving lifestyles for whānau, hapū, Iwi and the wider community.
Service Features
- Promote environments that are supportive of healthy food choices.
- Provide whānau with skills and knowledge to change their eating habits, and increase physical activity.
- Work with whānau to develop and implement their own solutions to addressing and improving their health needs.
- Promote positive messages that provide whānau with the opportunity to improve the health and wellbeing of their tamariki and mokopuna
- Work with various groups in the community including marae and kura, to develop and implement policies that encourage and lead to positive Social and physical environments.
- Develop and implement activities and events that increase physical activity and healthy eating e.g. 12 Week Challenge,
Whakapā mai
Contact Us
If you would like information about this service, please reach out to our friendly team via the contact page.