Kaupapa Māori

Nurse Led Community Based Service

A kaupapa Māori approach to care primarily offering support and education to individuals and whānau who are affected by a long term illness.

About this Service

The Kaupapa Māori Nurse Led Community Based Service focuses on clients who have long term conditions, have high risk factors, and are diagnosed at a young age adults or children. It provides support and education to those affected by a long term illness such as diabetes type 1 and 2, respiratory conditions (asthma and COPD), and cardiovascular conditions.

Service Features

  • Comprehensive assessments and screening
  • Disease support and education including diabetic screening, lifestyle modifications including diet and exercise specific to disease.
  • Support to reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol, manage heart failure and cardiac chest pain, irregular heartbeats or any other factor impacting on the condition clients have
  • Provide advice to clients and their whānau on managing the condition so that the health of the client is improved and/or maintained
  • Referral to other services, specialists or agencies that support clients and their whānau to maintain optimum health and wellbeing e.g. spirometry, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitations, dietician, green scripts, smoking cessation service, etc

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Contact Us

If you would like information about this service, please reach out to our friendly team via the contact page.

“My nurse is great, she made things plain and clear what I could expect from my cancer treatment. She talked to me and my kids so we all know.”

Sourced from Customer Feedback Survey 2019


Please fill out our customer feedback survey

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Feedback Survey